My pottery studio offers commercial firings for people outside the studio 🙂
- bisque – 20 zł/kg
- low temp firing – 32 zł/kg
- hight temp firing – 44 zł/kg
- small pieces on one shelf (low firing) – 80,00 zł
- small pieces on one shelf (high firing) – 100 zł
- things that you bring need to be bone dry
- bottoms of your things need to be clean
- the date of the firing depends on how soon I can fill in the kiln. Once the firing is done, I will let you know that you can pick up your stuff and will also let you know the final cost of firing
- I will keep your things for 6 months after firing. I you will not pick them up, they automatically become the property of my studio.
Additional cost:
- cleaning the bottoms – 5 zł per thing
- bisque dish explosion – cleaning the kiln – 50 zł
- bisque dish explosion – kiln damange – repair cost as per specialist’s note
- incorrect glazing – dish got stuck to the shelf – cleaning the shelf – 50 zł
- incorrect glazing – shelf damaged – 220 zł (a cost of a new shelf)
- zniszczenie pieca – koszty naprawy wg wyceny specjalisty
Price of renting a whole kiln:
- shelf’s width: 47 cm/18,5 in
- kiln’s capacity: 105l
- kiln’s hight: 49 cm/19,29 in
- 5 full shelfs and one half at your disposal
- bisque – 210 zł
- low temp – 250 zł
- high temp – 330 zł